Our values – Our pioneering spirit

“Innovation begins in the mind: with a bold idea and the courage to take risks.”

From the start, Friedr. Dick's passion for “tinkering” came first. The needs of our customers – butchers, meat cutters and chefs – and the problems they face in their daily lives gave the engineers no peace until a solution was found and a suitable product developed.

Patents are probably the most traditional property right of all, and they show how bold ideas can be turned into innovative technical solutions. Friedr. Dick has developed a wide range of products that have made the daily work of many professionals in crafts and industry easier. This ingenuity and love of invention is demonstrated by the numerous patents that Friedr. Dick has registered worldwide to this day.

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Our values – Our pioneering spirit

“Innovation begins in the mind: with a bold idea and the courage to take risks.”

From the start, Friedr. Dick's passion for “tinkering” came first. The needs of our customers – butchers, meat cutters and chefs – and the problems they face in their daily lives gave the engineers no peace until a solution was found and a suitable product developed.

Patents are probably the most traditional property right of all, and they show how bold ideas can be turned into innovative technical solutions. Friedr. Dick has developed a wide range of products that have made the daily work of many professionals in crafts and industry easier. This ingenuity and love of invention is demonstrated by the numerous patents that Friedr. Dick has registered worldwide to this day.


Innovation through research

Our development department is equipped with state-of-the-art CAD workstations, transforming our customers' requirements into high-quality products. Our own quality laboratory serves to continuously improve work processes in the areas of production, research and development. With the latest scientific methods and specially developed test procedures, we ensure both the quality and the continuous improvement of our products.

Our responsibility

Responsibility for people and nature

As a company, we have a responsibility – and we accept that responsibility with the utmost conviction: for our environment, for our employees, for society and, of course, for our products.  


“We are committed to environmentally friendly production that conserves our resources and works with renewable energy.” 

  • Our production is completely wastewater-free. An in-house treatment plant filters the water used and returns it to the manufacturing process in a purified state. This way, we reduce the water we need to a minimum.

  • A photovoltaic system of almost 1,500 m² on the roof of our production building in Deizisau supplies part of the energy we need. The remaining power supply is largely provided by renewable energies 

  • All metal waste produced during the punching process is 100% recycled.  

  • Short transport routes help to preserve the environment. This is why we work closely with suppliers from the surrounding area.   

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Our responsibility

Responsibility for people and nature

As a company, we have a responsibility – and we accept that responsibility with the utmost conviction: for our environment, for our employees, for society and, of course, for our products.  


“We are committed to environmentally friendly production that conserves our resources and works with renewable energy.” 

  • Our production is completely wastewater-free. An in-house treatment plant filters the water used and returns it to the manufacturing process in a purified state. This way, we reduce the water we need to a minimum.

  • A photovoltaic system of almost 1,500 m² on the roof of our production building in Deizisau supplies part of the energy we need. The remaining power supply is largely provided by renewable energies. 

  • All metal waste produced during the punching process is 100% recycled.  

  • Short transport routes help to preserve the environment. This is why we work closely with suppliers from the surrounding area.  



„Unsere oberste Pflicht ist es nicht, möglichst große Gewinne zu schreiben, sondern den uns anvertrauten Menschen eine gesicherte Lebensgrundlage zu geben“. 

  • Viele unserer Mitarbeiter bleiben von ihrer Ausbildung bis zu ihrer Rente im Unternehmen. Darauf sind wir stolz und möchten auch weiterhin alles dafür tun, Nachwuchskräfte im Unternehmen zu halten. 

  • Wir bilden sowohl im kaufmännischen, als auch im gewerblichen Bereich aus. Unsere Mitarbeiter werden regelmäßig auf Fort- und Weiterbildungen geschult, um auch auf neue Herausforderungen bestens vorbereitet zu sein.  

  • Wir bieten ein umfassendes Programm zur betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung. Dazu zählt zum Beispiel das Angebot einer wöchentlichen Rückenschule für alle Mitarbeiter.   

  • Wir möchten, dass unsere Mitarbeiter sowohl im Beruf erfolgreich sein können aber auch Zeit für die Familie haben. Eltern können bei uns auf flexible Teilzeitmodelle zählen.  



Bild von Wilhelm Leuze: „Wir müssen als Unternehmen über den Tellerrand hinausschauen und uns vor Augen halten, dass wir die Gesellschaft nachhaltig beeinflussen können.“ 

  • Wir produzieren den Großteil unserer Produkte nach wir vor in Deutschland. Unseren Standort und damit „Made in Germany“ weiter zu stärken ist für uns eines der wichtigsten Ziele für die Zukunft.  

  • Seit vielen Jahren unterstützen wir federführend den Verein „Aktion Kinderträume“ den unser Firmeninhaber, Herr Wilhelm Leuze, gemeinsam mit Clemens Tönnies und Uli Hoeneß ins Leben gerufen hat. Der Verein erfüllt ganz gezielt besondere Wünsche und Träume schwerstkranker und schwerstbehinderter Kinder. 

  • Bereits die ganz Kleinen lernen in der „Schlemmerbande“ oder bei den „Miniköchen“ die Prinzipien einer gesunden, ausgewogenen Ernährung und Spaß beim Kochen. Friedr. Dick unterstützt diese beiden Organisationen seit vielen Jahren aktiv. 

  • In unserer Heimatregion sind wir ebenfalls engagiert und unterstützen beispielsweise lokale und regionale Sportvereine und –teams.  



Bild von Steffen Uebele: „Ein F. DICK Messer begleitet dich ein Leben lang und ist damit der Inbegriff von Nachhaltigkeit – Made in Germany.“ 

  • F. DICK Produkte halten ein Leben lang. So ist es keine Seltenheit, dass uns Köche stolz berichten, dass sie die Messer aus Ihrer Lehrzeit bis heute im täglichen Einsatz haben. Kompromisslose Qualität und Langlebigkeit sind bei Friedr. Dick seit je her fest in der Unternehmensphilosophie verankert.  

  • Wir produzieren nach wie vor fast alle unsere Produkte in Deutschland und haben uns bewusst gegen eine Produktion in Niedriglohnländern entschieden. Wir investieren stetig in modernste Produktionsanlagen aber auch in das Know-How unserer Mitarbeiter. Nur so stellen wir sicher, dass jedes F. DICK Produkt in einwandfreiem Zustand auf die Reise zu unseren Kunden auf der ganzen Welt geschickt wird.  


Our quality promise

Professionals place their trust in us – Quality since 1778.

At Friedr. Dick, the passion for perfect quality has been unbroken since 1778. Our experienced employees manufacture our products with the greatest care, years of experience and a genuine sense of enthusiasm. Every F. DICK product excels with uncompromising professional quality.  

Our founder, Johann Friedrich Dick, already had the vision of manufacturing all F. DICK products in “exemplary workmanship”. So, from the very beginning of the company's history, quality was the foremost priority, motto and entrepreneurial principle rolled into one. However, Friedr. Dick's commitment to quality is not limited to the products we manufacture. Friedr. Dick also strives for the highest quality in our production process, in our services and in our customer support. 

We manufacture almost all our products in our main factory in Deizisau in southern Germany or in our branch factory in Bayreuth. In doing so, we believe in combining traditional craftsmanship with the most modern technologies throughout our entire production process. Quality already starts in the minds of our employees. Some have been part of the F. DICK family for several generations and, with their valuable expertise, trained eye and experience, make a decisive contribution to the quality of our products and our brand. 

Our knives, sharpening steels and all other F. DICK products provide professional chefs, butchers and craftsmen with reliable assistance in their work. Their design, function and quality must measure up to the demands of professionals. Perfect down to the last detail, F. DICK products have earned a first-class reputation worldwide. The concept of quality has many different facets. Knives must not only stand out for their excellent and long-lasting sharpness: their consummate balance and ergonomically shaped handles are just as important in kitchens and butcher's shops all over the world.  

Our quality promise to you: every F. DICK product is designed to last a lifetime, so that you can enjoy it each and every day. However, if you have any cause for complaint, please contact us or one of our dealer partners. We offer a lifetime guarantee on manufacturing defects. 

Our service

We are there for you in word and deed

We are there for you when you need us. Whether it's choosing the right knife, looking for an individual gift or general questions about cutting and sharpening. For Friedr. Dick, you come first.

Knives as individual as you are. With a special and individual laser engraving on the knife blade, every F. DICK knife becomes YOUR knife. You can decide for yourself whether you want to immortalise your name or your logo on your knife. The knife is also a highlight as a personal gift. 

Experience our products live and let our colleagues advise you. We look forward to your visit at numerous trade fairs and events. We are also there for you on social networks: you can find us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Would you like to contact us personally? Our in-house and field service team is also looking forward to advising you. 

We work with a large number of dealer partners in almost every country in the world. This means that you can buy F. DICK products near you or get advice wherever you are. Of course, our products are also available online. We work closely with our dealer partners to ensure that your knife is delivered quickly and reliably.